Electric Scooter Safety: Equipment You Can Use to Keep Yourself and Your Scooter Safe

A lock for an electric scooter is extremely important. You don't have to lock your electric scooter if you're just going to pop into the shop or be somewhere for 5 minutes, however if you want to leave your scooter anywhere for an extended period of time, you'll need a lock. I highly discourage people from getting standard bike locks as these are really easy to bypass. People can pick locks, even the number locks, and if they can't the locks can be cut with bolt cutters. I recommend foldable metal locks for most scooters. These are easy to lock, and it would take lots of effort to break these as a thief. They are the safest most secure locks for your scooter.
Pads aren't a necessity, but I would still recommend them for amateur riders and people who want to be extra safe. Elbow and knee pads are all you really need. These protect from road burn in case of a fall. Road burn is one of the most painful things ever in my experience. A couple years ago I wouldn't have recommended pads, as I saw them as extra, but I had a little fall on an electric skateboard and got bad road burn on my elbow. So, I would recommend pads, however it's completely fine to ride without.
Lock and Alarm with Key
A key lock alarm is a recent product and I LOVE this one. If you're lazy like me, instead of locking your electric scooter, you'll have a key that looks like a car key to lock it. The mechanism disables your scooter until you unlock it and if someone tries to roll it away an alarm will sound. This is amazing because you can't bypass the mechanism like a standard lock. Even foldable metal locks can be picked by skilled lock picks. Key locks are attached to the electrical components of your electric scooter, making them impossible to take off. They're installed by a mechanic, and the prices is fairly simple. I fully recommend these locks as they're easy and almost impossible to bypass.
Phone Holder
You might be asking; how will a phone holder keep me safe? Well one, having a phone holder is convenient as you can see directions if you're going somewhere new, two, glancing at your phone while riding can be dangerous. It can throw you off balance, and you should always keep your eyes on the road. I've done it multiple times, and I've almost had a couple of accidents glancing at my phone. Since I got a phone holder, I miss less turns and I have less mishaps. A phone holder is a great addition to your electric scooter
A bag or basket on the front is another great thing to have. Getting small groceries or buying something can be a pain, as it can be tricky to dangle bags off the handle bars. The bags can affect balance and break. Getting a basket or bag is a great thing to have. It makes your ride safer as your balance is less effected by the weight of the bags. A bag is something I strongly recommend to any prospective riders.
These are just a couple of the things that can make you safer on the ride. However, riding responsible is what makes you safest. These are just items you can buy to keep yourself and your scooter safe. Happy riding!
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